Friday, February 3, 2017

February 3, 2017

Image result for valentine's day clip art

This week we practiced with Mrs. Christiansen outside with our life skills program. We practiced taking turns, what to do if a student isn’t playing with anyone, how to share different equipment and what to do if both friends want to play a game and cannot agree. We will continue working on these life skills throughout the rest of the year in our classroom.

We had a great trip to the aquarium on Tuesday. Thank you so much to Ms. Bagni and Mrs. Conaway for joining us. We got some awesome pictures!

On Thursday we had a guest teacher into our classroom to work on writing. Ms. Sacco taught us how to do a procedural poster to teach someone how to do something. It was interesting to see the students come up with different ideas of things they are good at to teach other people. They are continuing to work really hard on their writing. I have been really impressed!

We finished our unit on subtraction this week. Next week I will send home the subtraction fluency facts students are expected to know by the end of the year. These can be cut into flashcards to practice. They do not need to return to school. Please do not have your students write the answers on the cards. You can practice both those and the addition facts at home. I will be checking the students on their facts soon. Please keep counting with your students and having them practice writing the numbers.

The sight word practice cards went home this week. You can make these cards into flashcards as well to practice these words. The words should be practiced everyday for at least 10 days before the punch card is returned to school. I will be checking students on their sight words and send new words home to practice.

If you still have the light blue folder at home that your student's report card was in please return it to school. The report card is yours to keep.

From the PTO: It's time to start sending in those Box Tops again! The PTO is holding a classroom contest, the classroom that sends in the most Box Tops will win a prize! Please make sure to send in your Box Tops in a Ziploc bag labeled with student's first name, last name, and homeroom number. Box Tops must be sent in by February 15th to be counted for the contest.

Some dates coming up:
February 6th-14th- Wee Deliver- Our address is: 113 Friends Place
February 15th- Used Bookstore

February 20-24- No school, winter break

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